27 juin 2014

Compensatory Postural Sway While Seated Posture During Tasks in Children with Autism Spectrum Disorder

Traduction partielle: G.M.

Occup Ther Int. 2014 Jun 23. doi: 10.1002/oti.1375.

Balancement postural compensatoire en position assise durant une tâche chez les enfants avec troubles envahissants du développement



Postural stability while seated was investigated in 16 children with autism spectrum disorder (ASD) and 16 typically developed (TD) children, aged 7-8 years. 
La stabilité posturale en position assise a été étudiée dans 16 enfants présentant un trouble du spectre autistique (TSA) et 16 généralement développés (TD), les enfants âgés de 7-8 ans.
The lateral and antero-posterior (A-P) deviations of the centre of pressure (COP) were serially measured during sequential, upper limb, desk-top tasks, including nine subtests. 

The average COP deviation was larger, especially in the lateral direction, in the group of children with ASD compared with TD children. However, the larger COP deviation in the children with ASD was not generalized across tasks. Analyses of subtests revealed that deviations were different on three and four (of eight) subtests in the lateral and A-P directions, respectively. 
La déviation moyenne du centre de pression (COP) était plus importante, spécialement latéralement dans le groupe d'enfants avec autisme comparé aux enfants sans autisme. Les analyses de subtests montrent que les déviations diffèrent dans 3 et 4 subtests (sur 8) dans les directions latérales et antéro postérieures respectivement .
The time needed to complete each subtest was not correlated with the lateral COP deviation but with A-P deviation during the subtest in the children with ASD. Preserved task performance with marked body sway in the children with ASD suggested that the body sway was not a functionally abnormal movement that disturbed performance but could be a compensatory movement to actually facilitate performance. A new approach with occupational therapy to support such compensatory movement of ASD children could be considered in their school life. Further studies, including those in the classroom, to clarify the relationship between daily task performance and body instability are necessary. 
Une nouvelle approche avec thérapie occupationnelle pour aider les mouvements compensatoires des enfants avec autisme pourrait être importante dans la scolarité. D'autres études, y compris dans la salle de classe, pour clarifier la relation entre les performances dans les taches journalières et l'instabilité corporelle sont nécessaires
Copyright © 2014 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.

PMID: 24956573

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